Monday, 25 August 2014

Back From the Abyss

I haven't posted in so long I'm not sure even where to start. I'm finally starting to get enough sleep again on a regular basis.  At 10 months old my son decided to revert to "newborn" stage and wanted to nurse all night and also decided that sleeping was not something he was going to do . . .day or night.  So it's been 2 months of nap battles and night time battles.  He is now sleeping much better for his 2 naps and doing much longer sleep sessions at night.  One night he slept 9 hours straight so we're hoping for a repeat performance.
Good thing he's cute otherwise I might not have survived the sleep deprivation!

Sliding with his big sister.

Brushing Mommy's teeth.

Jenny Dress for Wedding # 2
I remember in the spring some discussions in blogland about whether you are a seasonal knitter or not and I have to say I am more of a winter knitter.  I have been knitting this summer just not at the same rate as I do in the winter.  But I have been sewing a lot.  I think I sew more in the summer because I want lightweight, cool things to wear.  I've discovered some sewing patterns I want to make again and again.  I will blog about those hopefully soon.  But sometimes I'd rather make something than blog about it . . . plus it is sometimes really hard to get pictures taken.

When I start to feel like I should have blogged a post long ago I remind myself that it's summer and it's the time to be outside and we have: beach, cottage, lakes, biking, gardening, sandboxes, splashpads, parks.  I've spent a lot of time with my kids this summer and that's what is most important of all.  I've also been to 2 weddings.

Knitting wise I finished my re-do of my Sweet Tee.  I just went looking for pictures and didn't find any.  I thought I had blogged about it. Okay . . . pictures to come in another post. Here's what I've been working on most of the rest of the summer.  It is a Helen Joyce Cardigan from Taiga Hilliard designs, knit using Sweet Georgia DK yarn (so nice to work with).  It is actually so close to being finished. I just need to knit the edge band! 
When the cooler weather comes and the nights get longer I'm sure I will be doing more knitting and blogging but until then I'm going to keep enjoying summer as much as I can.

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